Friday, March 11, 2011

Terrible 2's

Christian has been one crabby baby today! (and in general since we arrived in Bogota)  We are thinking that it is related to the changes happening in his life, but he is melting down more and more over less and less significant things.  If he doesn't get his way with EVERYTHING, he is screaming and crying.  We have still had very little success with naps, and we are pretty sure that the lack of sleep is contributing to his crabbiness.

Examples from today that caused melt-downs: 
  • The end of bath time
  • The end of brushing his teeth
  • Having to get dressed after bath time, even though he was shivering and freezing
  • The end of the package of crackers 
  • Bed time (Jason is sitting with him as we speak, trying to get him to sleep)
  • Getting shoo-ed out of the bathroom when someone else needs to use it
It is so hard for us to know if this is a "Terrible 2" thing, if it is an anxiety thing, if it is a lack of sleep thing, or if he is just very used to getting his way and doesn't like it when we don't immediately cave in to whatever he wants.  We are just trying to get through each melt-down and proceed with our day.  It's tough, because when he is happy, he is so adorable and so much fun to play with.  But when he is grumpy...look out!

He has been more and more clingy to me here in Bogota, and it has gotten to the point where my back is actually sore from having to hold and carry him so much.  If we try to have Jason hold him, he just screams even louder.  He has always seemed to have a preference for me, but it seems to be getting worse, not better. 

We are mixed on what approach to take.  When he is having a tantrum, he usually starts out just being mad about something, but cries and screams so hard and long that after a while, I don't think he even remembers what it was that he wanted in the first place.  We don't know if we should comfort him, ignore him, ignore him for a while and then comfort him?  The only thing that seems to soothe him is being held or carried by me.  But what if I can't do that every single time?

I am expecting that it will get worse before it gets better.  The change of scenery once again will probably have him as confused as ever, and we are dreading our travel day.  We are hoping that he will sleep well tonight and wake up a little bit happier tomorrow.  The older 2 kids have started calling him "the crying machine" instead of "the poop machine"!

Hope tomorrow will be a little easier for our little boy!

The kids piled into one of the little beds in our room

Christian - in a good mood!

Birthday cake

Juan Manuel and Santi goofing around


  1. My son is approaching the "Terrible Two's" at the end of next month (April 30). I'm re-naming them the "Terrific Two's lol. We are starting to experience some of the same things you are minute he's melting down and the next he's hugging me and giggling. Naps are HUGE in our household and Brady takes one everyday and sleeps anywhere from 2-3 hours. If he doesn't get a nap (the case today) he is a bear to deal with. I'm willing to bet once you get home and settled into your new routine in your own house I bet he'll nap for you. Kids thrive on routine and right now all the changes are probably disrupting his feelings of security and comfort levels. Two can be such a tough age because on the one hand they are starting to assert their independence but on the other they are still hanging on to mama and dada. That's exactly what we are seeing out of my son right now. Hope he naps some for you on the plane ride home.

  2. We have seen more melt downs with Luisa too lately. I think that she is not used to being told 'no' and it is hard because we are still building that relationship and to know how to handle it is...confusing! With my biological kids I just dealt with them in whatever manner was needed at the time. I am trying to be firm, but loving, then I usually just try to divert her attention, which has worked pretty good so far. Hang in there, I would continue to hold him as much as possible, even though it is hard, I think that they need it(same problem, my back is killing me!) It won't be long and he will want to run with the big boys! Just know eventually everything will settle down and you will find your new "normal" once you get home. Blessings to you as you head home on Monday, I will pray that the kids amaze you with their great behavior!

  3. Ohhhh, Poor Christian Thomas! you know you're having a bad day when the end of teeth-brushing is a cause for drama!

    Hang in there! Hope your back - and today - is better! Let us know if you need anything over the next days and weeks. Muchos Besos, Tia Lea (Muchas or muchos?)

  4. Could it be 2-year molars coming through? Both our oldest had big behavior issues right around 2 years old- it almost seemed like their personalities just changed overnight. A few weeks later I noticed molars starting to push through. Hopefully I remember this when/if it happens with Henry this time! Unfortunately it takes a long time for them to get all the way out and makes for very cranky days. Just an idea... Congrats on almost finishing up your time away from home! You boys are adorable- you make such a cute family!
